The role of the Smart Impact programme

Smart Docklands is a smart city project that is funded by Smart Impact under the Urbact EU funding scheme.

But first, what exactly is ‘Smart Impact’, and what is ‘Urbact’?

The Urbact EU programme is the name given to the European Territorial Cooperation programme, the aim of which is to foster sustainable integrated urban development in cities across Europe.

Operating for almost 15 years, Urbact’s mission is to enable cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to common urban challenges, in a collaborative environment that encourages learning an problem solving through a networking structure.

Following the success of Urbact 1 and 11,  Urbact 111 – the current iteration of the programme which runs from 2014 to 2020 – has been developed to continue to promote sustainable integrated urban development and contribute to the delivery of the Europe 2020 strategy.

The key strategic objectives of the current programme are as follows:

1. Capacity for Policy Delivery: to improve the capacity of cities to manage
sustainable urban policies and practices in an integrated and participative way

2. Policy Design:
 to improve the design of sustainable urban policies and practices
in cities

3Policy Implementation: to improve the implementation of integrated and
sustainable urban strategies and actions in cities

4Building and Sharing Knowledge: to ensure that practitioners and decision-
makers at all levels have access to knowledge and share know-how on all aspects
of sustainable urban development, with the goal of improving urban development

Smart Impact, is a two-year programme (May 2016-May 2018), funded by the European Commission through its Urbact programme.

The project is made up of 10 smart city partners – including Dublin – under the guidance of lead partner, Manchester City Council.

Supported by the Fraunhofer Institute, a leading research body and smart city authority, the key objectives of the ten partner organisations are as follows:

  1.  Develop models of how organisations can adapt their structures to deliver smart cities
  2.  Explore how to finance smart solutions through co-investment strategies
  3.  Develop and support innovation ecosystems within cities
  4.  Explore the role of both regulation and incentives
  5.  Better understand how data integration and data platforms can support the smart cities

*For further information about Urbact and the Smart Impact programme, visit

Vodafone launch NB-IoT in The Docklands

Vodafone Ireland, in partnership with Dublin City Council (DCC), have announced that Vodafone’s Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) network has been selected as a key connectivity enabler to the Docklands Smart District – part of the wider Smart Dublin initiative.

A first of its kind in Ireland, the Docklands Smart District encourages innovation in the area by bringing together leading technology companies, research centres and other agencies with a focus on deploying the latest smart city innovations and connectivity across the quarter.

One of the first technologies being deployed on Vodafone’s NB-IoT network is a new product innovation which focuses on flood monitoring and response. Voguetek, an Irish SME based in Meath is developing low cost connected sensors that will use the new network to communicate potential gully blockages to the council before they become a hazard. The technology has the potential to be used across the country in urban and rural areas.

“Smart technology has the potential to radically change the way we live and work in Ireland and is vital if we are to achieve our ambitions of being able to compete on a truly global stage. I want to commend both Vodafone and Dublin City Council on enabling an innovation programme of this scale, which not only has the potential to transform the day-to-day lives of every citizen, business and community in Dublin, but the benefits this can have across Ireland are limitless. Today’s announcement is a significant step forward in Ireland’s journey to becoming a world leader in the development and deployment of Internet of Things innovations.” Denis Naughten T.D., Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment.

Innovation Fund

Vodafone & Dublin City Council have also announced a new innovation fund and support initiative worth over €50,000 for start ups that would like to utilise the new network test bed to develop Proof of Concept projects. It will be administered by Smart Dublin and DCU Alpha.

The supports and services on offer will include:

  • API access to the new Vodafone nationwide NB-IoT network.
  • Hardware, chip sets and evaluation kits to enable access.
  • Sim connectivity including data bundles.
  • Access to technical specialists in Vodafone.
  • Access to physical infrastructure and municipal planning and engineering expertise from Dublin City Council.
  • Prototyping services and desk space in DCU Alpha for any connected hardware PoC’s.
  • Follow on funding pathways for development of any successful PoC’s
  • Access to complementary test environments (e.g. Maritime IoT and SatCom IoT) for interoperability testing.


Calls to solve specific challenges will be announced through this page over the coming months.

Some examples are:

  • Connecting the lifebuoys in Docklands and reduce theft and vandalism. Across Dublin City over 500 ring buoys and almost 300 ropes are damaged or stolen each year. A reduction in theft and vandalism will reduce the cost of maintenance and also help to solve safety concerns.
  • Better understand movement and flows through the deployment of low cost beacon technologies. Can we better understand and manage the flows of people, bikes and vehicles?
  • Environmental Monitoring. Delivering lower cost and dense deployments of sensors around the docklands e.g. air quality, noise, weather, rainfall, river levels etc.
  • Smarter Building and Energy monitoring. Demonstrating smarter ways to measure and monitor energy usage.

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