Smart Docklands Call for Pilots 2024: Call Now Closed

Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply for our Open Call for Pilots πŸ‘

We are thrilled to announce that the deadline for our Open Call for Pilots has now closed. The level of interest and engagement from participants has been truly impressive, and we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who submitted their innovative ideas and solutions.

Smart Docklands Pilot Call Themes:

This year’s call for pilots focused on four key themes identified through feedback from residents, local communities, Dublin City Council, CONNECT SFI Research Centre, local businesses, and their employees. The themes were:

  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Urban Greening/Biodiversity
  • Antisocial Behaviour/Safety
  • Community Development

These themes aim to support the development of impactful, scalable, and sustainable pilots.

What’s Next?

Our team in collaboration with partners is currently reviewing all the applications. We were delighted with the overall engagement and will be in touch in due course with additional updates and next steps. Stay tuned as we progress through this exciting phase of selecting the most promising pilots that will shape the future of our smart city initiatives.

Thank You:

Thank you once again to all applicants for your contributions. Your innovative ideas are crucial to our goal of creating smarter, more sustainable cities. We look forward to the next steps and to seeing the positive impact of these pilot projects.

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements from Smart Docklands!

For any further queries, please contact us at

‘Do you have what it takes to make the Docklands smarter?’ – Silicon Republic


We were delighted to feature recently in Silicon Republic covering the development of the Smart Docklands Programme over time and our live Open Call for Pilots. Please see a link to the article below:

Do you have what it takes to make the Docklands smarter?

The call seeks to support the development of impactful, scalable and sustainable pilots involving public bodies, private stakeholders, academia and local communities. The pilot proposals should be ready to deploy with service users, where appropriate, and should be in a position to measure impacts within a six-month timeframe. The themes were selected from feedback gathered through the Smart Docklands Commonplace online surveys (report available here) and other outreach activities with stakeholders including residents, local communities, Dublin City Council, Connect SFI Research Centre, businesses located in the Docklands and their employees. The purpose of the engagement was to identify local challenges and launch an open call for pilots to find potential solutions to address these challenges. The four key themes identified are:

🌳 Environmental Monitoring
🌿 Urban Greening/Biodiversity
🚸 Antisocial Behaviour/Safety
🏫 Community Development

The team has evolved over time and we’re hopeful that funded pilots compliment our existing initiatives and our future plans:

β€œThe themes for this call align with the focus of our existing engagement initiatives. By providing a platform for innovation to thrive we’re hopeful that these pilots can help support wider community development, smart cities and climate action plans of both the DCC and Trinity College Dublin.” Darach Mac Donncha, Smart Docklands Programme Manager